Kamis, 12 Juli 2012


In sp2 hybridization, a 2s orbital is ‘mixed’ with two of the 2p orbitals to
form three hybridized sp2 orbitals of equal energy. A single 2p orbital is left
over which has a slightly higher energy than the hybridized orbitals.
For carbon, each sp2 hybridized orbital contains a single unpaired electron.
There is also a half-filled 2p orbital. Therefore, four bonds are possible.
Each sp2 orbital is shaped like a deformed dumbbell with one lobe much
larger than the other. The remaining 2p orbital is a symmetrical dumbbell.
The major lobes of the three sp2 hybridized orbitals point to the corners of
a triangle, with the 2p orbital perpendicular to the plane.
Each sp2 hybridized carbon forms three σ bonds using three sp2 hybridized
orbitals. The remaining 2p orbital overlaps ‘side on’ with a neighboring 2p
orbital to form a pi (π) bond. The π bond is weaker than the σ bond, but is
strong enough to prevent rotation of the C C bond. Therefore, alkenes are
planar, with each carbon being trigonal planar.
The oxygen and carbon atoms are both sp2 hybridized. The carbon has three
sp2 hybridized orbitals and can form three σ bonds, one of which is to the
oxygen. The oxygen has one sp2 orbital which is used in the σ bond with
carbon. The p orbitals on carbon and oxygen are used to form a π bond.
Aromatic rings are made up of six sp2 hybridized carbons. Each carbon
forms three σ bonds which results in a planar ring. The remaining 2p orbital
on each carbon is perpendicular to the plane and can overlap with a neighboring
2p orbital on either side. This means that a molecular orbital is
formed round the whole ring such that the six π electrons are delocalized
around the ring. This results in increased stability such that aromatic rings
are less reactive than alkenes.
Conjugated systems such as conjugated alkenes and α,β-unsaturated
carbonyl compounds involve alternating single and double bonds. In such
systems, the p lobes of one π bond are able to overlap with the p lobes of a
neighboring π bond, and thus give a small level of double bond character to
the connecting bond. This partial delocalization gives increased stability to
the conjugated system.

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