Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

NUMEROLOGY - Personality Number

NUMEROLOGY - Personality Number: The first impression people have of you. It either welcomes and intrigues them, or it causes them to lose interest.
Consonants from your name
Pythagorean number system (chart above)
Follow steps 1 - 3  
Personality Number 1: People see you as independent, self-motivated, someone who’s going places. You embody action, strength, and power. It’s in your every move, “Will everyone here kindly step to the rear, and let a winner lead the way.” It is not that you think you are better than everyone else, but you must take the lead. It’s in your birthright. Fortunately, the world is usually willing to see that you are in the power seat. You often start trends, and you can be depended on to lead community projects, and skillfully delegate tasks to get the job done. The prestige that comes with leadership makes it all worth it to you. You would do well to be self-employed; 1’s don’t enjoy taking orders. Well meaning advice can be valuable, so try to be more open to suggestions.
Personality Number 2: You appear as someone who is the peace-maker, the born mediator. You do best in partnerships. You have to watch being oversensitive, and learn to establish boundaries, for you are a person who appears to be the perfect friend - Those who are not so worthy, would take advantage of this. The 2 Personality feels incomplete alone, and even avoids the spotlight, seeking companionship above all use. You favor marriage and business alliances. Your innate fairness and sincerity give you a good chance of succeeding at both.
Personality Number 3: As a 3, you love dressing up. Your appearance is important to you. You’re happy when you’re well-groomed and prepared to greet your public. Your gift is communication. The 3 Personality is someone who is witty and fun to be around. You love to give advice, and even if it’s not asked for, it’s usually well-received. You are a good listener (and even a better talker). In fact, conversation is a huge part of your life. But work on your mood swings; even though you snap right out of it, others don’t always get over them as quickly. Bringing joy to others is what really fulfills you.
Personality Number 4: You appear as someone who is serious-minded, sensitive, and intelligent. You’re always open to learning something new. However, if you think you are right about something, you will not give up your position. People know they can count on you to get a job done. You are usually carefully groomed and have an efficient aura, the perfect businessman or woman. Your need to impart knowledge sometimes gives people the impression that you are “raining on their parade.” That is not your intention, but you might consider this when others are sometimes inexplicably annoyed with you. When this happens, let them know what you really mean.
Personality Number 5: You have an air of fun and energy that makes you a welcome addition to any party, and the 5 Personality is someone who wants to know “where the party is!” You are very clever and others enthuse to your ideas. You love excitement and seek adventure, and failing to that - gossip, someone else’s adventure! Watch overindulgence; you can have an addictive streak. Unfortunately, you can become easily bored. Try to find harmless things to refuel your interest - sports, movies, and books are some suggestions.
Personality Number 6: You appear as kind and responsible - some one who takes good care of others - a born nurturer. People feel safe around you and you often find yourself in the role of the “parent.” The employees of a 6 will feel taken care of. You tend to spoil the people you love. Try not to do this, because if they are not grateful, you will resent them. They can depend on your stability. Your personality is charismatic. You never go unnoticed, and people are drawn to you.
Personality Number 7: You appear to be someone who needs privacy. You often keep to yourself, but you are an acute observer of the human scene. When you share knowledge you tend to speak with authority and you have good memory for detail. People sometimes think that your silence means you are not listening, but you are always tuned in. People feel your spirituality, which is a large part of you. and while you do not seek them out, they often come to you.
Personality Number 8: You appear to be someone who is strong and disciplined. You carry yourself with innate dignity. You have definite opinions about everything. You want to own quality things and you do what it takes to attain them. You will work very hard for your income. You can be stubborn and you don’t like to take advice. You exude a sense of well-being and prosperity, and people respect you on sight. Some will be threatened; a kind word will put them at ease.
Personality Number 9: You appear as a leader - the one we can count on to help us when things go terribly wrong. You have exceptional intuition and the insights you provide make others welcome your advice. You are the most evolved number and you have wisdom of an old soul. Spirituality is important to you and others perceive you as a good and trustworthy person.
These descriptions do not necessarily need to match who you really are. Numbers 1 through 9 give a sense of what people think of you - how they see you on the outside.
SOURCE (author): Glynis McCants
NUMEROLOGY - Personality Number: The first impression people have of you. It either welcomes and intrigues them, or it causes them to lose interest.
  • Consonants from your name
  • Pythagorean number system (chart above)
  • Follow steps 1 - 3  
  • Personality Number 1: People see you as independent, self-motivated, someone who’s going places. You embody action, strength, and power. It’s in your every move, “Will everyone here kindly step to the rear, and let a winner lead the way.” It is not that you think you are better than everyone else, but you must take the lead. It’s in your birthright. Fortunately, the world is usually willing to see that you are in the power seat. You often start trends, and you can be depended on to lead community projects, and skillfully delegate tasks to get the job done. The prestige that comes with leadership makes it all worth it to you. You would do well to be self-employed; 1’s don’t enjoy taking orders. Well meaning advice can be valuable, so try to be more open to suggestions.
  • Personality Number 2: You appear as someone who is the peace-maker, the born mediator. You do best in partnerships. You have to watch being oversensitive, and learn to establish boundaries, for you are a person who appears to be the perfect friend - Those who are not so worthy, would take advantage of this. The 2 Personality feels incomplete alone, and even avoids the spotlight, seeking companionship above all use. You favor marriage and business alliances. Your innate fairness and sincerity give you a good chance of succeeding at both.
  • Personality Number 3: As a 3, you love dressing up. Your appearance is important to you. You’re happy when you’re well-groomed and prepared to greet your public. Your gift is communication. The 3 Personality is someone who is witty and fun to be around. You love to give advice, and even if it’s not asked for, it’s usually well-received. You are a good listener (and even a better talker). In fact, conversation is a huge part of your life. But work on your mood swings; even though you snap right out of it, others don’t always get over them as quickly. Bringing joy to others is what really fulfills you.
  • Personality Number 4: You appear as someone who is serious-minded, sensitive, and intelligent. You’re always open to learning something new. However, if you think you are right about something, you will not give up your position. People know they can count on you to get a job done. You are usually carefully groomed and have an efficient aura, the perfect businessman or woman. Your need to impart knowledge sometimes gives people the impression that you are “raining on their parade.” That is not your intention, but you might consider this when others are sometimes inexplicably annoyed with you. When this happens, let them know what you really mean.
  • Personality Number 5: You have an air of fun and energy that makes you a welcome addition to any party, and the 5 Personality is someone who wants to know “where the party is!” You are very clever and others enthuse to your ideas. You love excitement and seek adventure, and failing to that - gossip, someone else’s adventure! Watch overindulgence; you can have an addictive streak. Unfortunately, you can become easily bored. Try to find harmless things to refuel your interest - sports, movies, and books are some suggestions.
  • Personality Number 6: You appear as kind and responsible - some one who takes good care of others - a born nurturer. People feel safe around you and you often find yourself in the role of the “parent.” The employees of a 6 will feel taken care of. You tend to spoil the people you love. Try not to do this, because if they are not grateful, you will resent them. They can depend on your stability. Your personality is charismatic. You never go unnoticed, and people are drawn to you.

  • Personality Number 7: You appear to be someone who needs privacy. You often keep to yourself, but you are an acute observer of the human scene. When you share knowledge you tend to speak with authority and you have good memory for detail. People sometimes think that your silence means you are not listening, but you are always tuned in. People feel your spirituality, which is a large part of you. and while you do not seek them out, they often come to you.

  • Personality Number 8: You appear to be someone who is strong and disciplined. You carry yourself with innate dignity. You have definite opinions about everything. You want to own quality things and you do what it takes to attain them. You will work very hard for your income. You can be stubborn and you don’t like to take advice. You exude a sense of well-being and prosperity, and people respect you on sight. Some will be threatened; a kind word will put them at ease.
  • Personality Number 9: You appear as a leader - the one we can count on to help us when things go terribly wrong. You have exceptional intuition and the insights you provide make others welcome your advice. You are the most evolved number and you have wisdom of an old soul. Spirituality is important to you and others perceive you as a good and trustworthy person.
These descriptions do not necessarily need to match who you really are. Numbers 1 through 9 give a sense of what people think of you - how they see you on the outside.
SOURCE (author): Glynis McCants

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