Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Enzymology takes a quantum leap forward

Enzymes facilitate life via a plethora of reactions in living organisms. Not only do they sustain life – they are also involved in a myriad of processes that affect our everyday lives. These include applications in medicine, household detergents, fine chemical synthesis, the food industry, bioelectronics and the degradation of chemical waste. Since the discovery of enzymes just over a century ago, we have witnessed an explosion in our understanding of enzyme catalysis, leading to a more detailed appreciation of how they work. Over many years, much effort has been expended in the quest to create enzymes for specific biotechnological roles. Prior to the early 1980s, the only methods available for changing enzyme structure were those of chemical modification of functional groups (so-called ‘forced evolution’). The genetic engineering revolution has provided tools for dissecting enzyme structure and enabling design of novel function. Chemical methods have now been surpassed by knowledge-based (i.e. rational) sitedirected mutagenesis and the grafting of biological function into existing enzyme molecules (so-called ‘retrofitting’). More recently, gene-shuffling techniques have been used to generate novel enzymes. Rational redesign of enzymes is a logical approach to producing better enzymes. However, with a few notable exceptions, rational approaches have been generally unsuccessful, reiterating our poor level of understanding of how enzymes work. This has led to a more ‘shot-gun’ approach to redesign, involving random mutagenesis – producing modest success, but dependent on being able to ‘pull out’ an improved enzyme by ‘fishing’ in a very large collection of randomly modified enzymes. However, development of a suitable test (i.e. producing the correct ‘bait’) to identify an improved enzyme is intrinsically very difficult. Therefore the rational approach, although generally unsuccessful, cannot be ignored.
Enzymes are large biological molecules – usually proteins – that speed up chemical reactions. Molecules that speed up chemical reactions, but are unchanged afterwards, are known as catalysts. The substances that enzymes act on are known as substrates. Enzymes exhibit remarkable specificity for their substrate molecules, and can approach ‘catalytic perfection’. A popular approach to modelling catalysis has been to visualise an energy barrier that must be surmounted to proceed from reactants to products. The greater the height of this energy barrier, the slower the rate of reaction. Enzymes (like other catalysts) reduce the energy required to pass over this barrier, thereby increasing reaction rate. The structure of the reactant at the top of the barrier is energetically unstable, and is known as the ‘transition state’. The energy required to pass over the barrier is the so-called ‘activation energy’ – the barrier is surmounted by thermal excitation of the substrate. This classical over-the-barrier treatment – known as transition state theory – has been used to picture enzymecatalysed reactions over the past 50 years. However, recent developments indicate that this ‘textbook’ illustration is fundamentally flawed (at least in some circumstances).

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

apakah kau mencari keadilan...
tapi yang kau dapatkan hanya kebatilan
apakah kau mencari rasa nyaman...
tapi yang kau temukan hanya kegelisahan...

lari lah ketika kau bisa....
sebelum tak ada lagi yang tersisa...
sebelum tawa berganti dengan air mata...
dan kau hanya bisa merana..
tanpa bisa berbuat apa-apa...

saatnya semua kau lepaskan...
termasuk cita-cita dan impian...
tak akan kau temui lagi sebuah keindahan....
semua akan terkubur bersama harpan dan angan-angan.....

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

adakah yang kau cari lagi??
jika semuanya telah pergi...
kau namakan ini hampa...
karena sekali lagi kau tak berdaya...
teruskan saja perjalanan....
jika itu yang kau katakan perjuangan....
meski perasaan terkorbankan....
bahkan kau relakan air mata bercucuran...
kau belum sadari...
segalanya tak seperti yang kau pikirkan...
jalan itu masih terjal dan berliku...
sedang kau masih tertipu....
oleh keangkuhanmu yang bersarang disitu
di hati mu.....

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

NUMEROLOGY - Personality Number

NUMEROLOGY - Personality Number: The first impression people have of you. It either welcomes and intrigues them, or it causes them to lose interest.
Consonants from your name
Pythagorean number system (chart above)
Follow steps 1 - 3  
Personality Number 1: People see you as independent, self-motivated, someone who’s going places. You embody action, strength, and power. It’s in your every move, “Will everyone here kindly step to the rear, and let a winner lead the way.” It is not that you think you are better than everyone else, but you must take the lead. It’s in your birthright. Fortunately, the world is usually willing to see that you are in the power seat. You often start trends, and you can be depended on to lead community projects, and skillfully delegate tasks to get the job done. The prestige that comes with leadership makes it all worth it to you. You would do well to be self-employed; 1’s don’t enjoy taking orders. Well meaning advice can be valuable, so try to be more open to suggestions.
Personality Number 2: You appear as someone who is the peace-maker, the born mediator. You do best in partnerships. You have to watch being oversensitive, and learn to establish boundaries, for you are a person who appears to be the perfect friend - Those who are not so worthy, would take advantage of this. The 2 Personality feels incomplete alone, and even avoids the spotlight, seeking companionship above all use. You favor marriage and business alliances. Your innate fairness and sincerity give you a good chance of succeeding at both.
Personality Number 3: As a 3, you love dressing up. Your appearance is important to you. You’re happy when you’re well-groomed and prepared to greet your public. Your gift is communication. The 3 Personality is someone who is witty and fun to be around. You love to give advice, and even if it’s not asked for, it’s usually well-received. You are a good listener (and even a better talker). In fact, conversation is a huge part of your life. But work on your mood swings; even though you snap right out of it, others don’t always get over them as quickly. Bringing joy to others is what really fulfills you.
Personality Number 4: You appear as someone who is serious-minded, sensitive, and intelligent. You’re always open to learning something new. However, if you think you are right about something, you will not give up your position. People know they can count on you to get a job done. You are usually carefully groomed and have an efficient aura, the perfect businessman or woman. Your need to impart knowledge sometimes gives people the impression that you are “raining on their parade.” That is not your intention, but you might consider this when others are sometimes inexplicably annoyed with you. When this happens, let them know what you really mean.
Personality Number 5: You have an air of fun and energy that makes you a welcome addition to any party, and the 5 Personality is someone who wants to know “where the party is!” You are very clever and others enthuse to your ideas. You love excitement and seek adventure, and failing to that - gossip, someone else’s adventure! Watch overindulgence; you can have an addictive streak. Unfortunately, you can become easily bored. Try to find harmless things to refuel your interest - sports, movies, and books are some suggestions.
Personality Number 6: You appear as kind and responsible - some one who takes good care of others - a born nurturer. People feel safe around you and you often find yourself in the role of the “parent.” The employees of a 6 will feel taken care of. You tend to spoil the people you love. Try not to do this, because if they are not grateful, you will resent them. They can depend on your stability. Your personality is charismatic. You never go unnoticed, and people are drawn to you.
Personality Number 7: You appear to be someone who needs privacy. You often keep to yourself, but you are an acute observer of the human scene. When you share knowledge you tend to speak with authority and you have good memory for detail. People sometimes think that your silence means you are not listening, but you are always tuned in. People feel your spirituality, which is a large part of you. and while you do not seek them out, they often come to you.
Personality Number 8: You appear to be someone who is strong and disciplined. You carry yourself with innate dignity. You have definite opinions about everything. You want to own quality things and you do what it takes to attain them. You will work very hard for your income. You can be stubborn and you don’t like to take advice. You exude a sense of well-being and prosperity, and people respect you on sight. Some will be threatened; a kind word will put them at ease.
Personality Number 9: You appear as a leader - the one we can count on to help us when things go terribly wrong. You have exceptional intuition and the insights you provide make others welcome your advice. You are the most evolved number and you have wisdom of an old soul. Spirituality is important to you and others perceive you as a good and trustworthy person.
These descriptions do not necessarily need to match who you really are. Numbers 1 through 9 give a sense of what people think of you - how they see you on the outside.
SOURCE (author): Glynis McCants
NUMEROLOGY - Personality Number: The first impression people have of you. It either welcomes and intrigues them, or it causes them to lose interest.
  • Consonants from your name
  • Pythagorean number system (chart above)
  • Follow steps 1 - 3  
  • Personality Number 1: People see you as independent, self-motivated, someone who’s going places. You embody action, strength, and power. It’s in your every move, “Will everyone here kindly step to the rear, and let a winner lead the way.” It is not that you think you are better than everyone else, but you must take the lead. It’s in your birthright. Fortunately, the world is usually willing to see that you are in the power seat. You often start trends, and you can be depended on to lead community projects, and skillfully delegate tasks to get the job done. The prestige that comes with leadership makes it all worth it to you. You would do well to be self-employed; 1’s don’t enjoy taking orders. Well meaning advice can be valuable, so try to be more open to suggestions.
  • Personality Number 2: You appear as someone who is the peace-maker, the born mediator. You do best in partnerships. You have to watch being oversensitive, and learn to establish boundaries, for you are a person who appears to be the perfect friend - Those who are not so worthy, would take advantage of this. The 2 Personality feels incomplete alone, and even avoids the spotlight, seeking companionship above all use. You favor marriage and business alliances. Your innate fairness and sincerity give you a good chance of succeeding at both.
  • Personality Number 3: As a 3, you love dressing up. Your appearance is important to you. You’re happy when you’re well-groomed and prepared to greet your public. Your gift is communication. The 3 Personality is someone who is witty and fun to be around. You love to give advice, and even if it’s not asked for, it’s usually well-received. You are a good listener (and even a better talker). In fact, conversation is a huge part of your life. But work on your mood swings; even though you snap right out of it, others don’t always get over them as quickly. Bringing joy to others is what really fulfills you.
  • Personality Number 4: You appear as someone who is serious-minded, sensitive, and intelligent. You’re always open to learning something new. However, if you think you are right about something, you will not give up your position. People know they can count on you to get a job done. You are usually carefully groomed and have an efficient aura, the perfect businessman or woman. Your need to impart knowledge sometimes gives people the impression that you are “raining on their parade.” That is not your intention, but you might consider this when others are sometimes inexplicably annoyed with you. When this happens, let them know what you really mean.
  • Personality Number 5: You have an air of fun and energy that makes you a welcome addition to any party, and the 5 Personality is someone who wants to know “where the party is!” You are very clever and others enthuse to your ideas. You love excitement and seek adventure, and failing to that - gossip, someone else’s adventure! Watch overindulgence; you can have an addictive streak. Unfortunately, you can become easily bored. Try to find harmless things to refuel your interest - sports, movies, and books are some suggestions.
  • Personality Number 6: You appear as kind and responsible - some one who takes good care of others - a born nurturer. People feel safe around you and you often find yourself in the role of the “parent.” The employees of a 6 will feel taken care of. You tend to spoil the people you love. Try not to do this, because if they are not grateful, you will resent them. They can depend on your stability. Your personality is charismatic. You never go unnoticed, and people are drawn to you.

  • Personality Number 7: You appear to be someone who needs privacy. You often keep to yourself, but you are an acute observer of the human scene. When you share knowledge you tend to speak with authority and you have good memory for detail. People sometimes think that your silence means you are not listening, but you are always tuned in. People feel your spirituality, which is a large part of you. and while you do not seek them out, they often come to you.

  • Personality Number 8: You appear to be someone who is strong and disciplined. You carry yourself with innate dignity. You have definite opinions about everything. You want to own quality things and you do what it takes to attain them. You will work very hard for your income. You can be stubborn and you don’t like to take advice. You exude a sense of well-being and prosperity, and people respect you on sight. Some will be threatened; a kind word will put them at ease.
  • Personality Number 9: You appear as a leader - the one we can count on to help us when things go terribly wrong. You have exceptional intuition and the insights you provide make others welcome your advice. You are the most evolved number and you have wisdom of an old soul. Spirituality is important to you and others perceive you as a good and trustworthy person.
These descriptions do not necessarily need to match who you really are. Numbers 1 through 9 give a sense of what people think of you - how they see you on the outside.
SOURCE (author): Glynis McCants

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

10 Conversation Tactics Against Put Downs or Negative Remarks

1. Ignoring. Sometimes, not saying anything back is actually a powerful comeback. It shows the other person what they’ve said is weak and that you are not fazed.
2. Selective Responding. Sometimes, the other person may say a bunch of negative things to you, some things being more emotionally triggering than others. Being able to control your emotions, pay attention to their weakest point and tackle it. Turn the table around and make them look like a fool. By responding selectively, you also show that you are devaluing/invalidating the other comments. 
3. Invalidation. Speaking of invalidation, this is applied when you prove the other’s person’s point wrong, flawed or insignificant. To show that something is insignificant to you, you usually just ignore the comment or pretend that you are unfazed. 
4. Questioning. Questioning is a very powerful technique because it gets the other person thinking without you really showing that you’re affected. For example, if they say ‘you suck,’ you can reply back, ‘what exactly do you mean?’ instead of the usual non-effective replies like ‘get lost.’ However, use questioning only if you seriously have time to really deal with this individual and really want to get back at their head. 
5. Mask Your Emotions. I know that being put down can really make you really upset because I’ve had personal experiences of this, but the key is not to show that you are bothered emotionally. When you show that you are upset or angry, it could make you look weak in front of everyone. Being emotional while arguing points can discredit a lot of things you say. Instead, you want to focus solely on their statements and tackle those. 
6. Agreeing to Disagree. This is almost like sarcasm except it’s not. This is when you agree with their put down and then say something more witty back. For example, if someone says ‘you are not smart,’ you can say ‘Sure, but you aren’t either.’ By saying something that agrees with their statement actually puts you on the top because it invalidates what they’d said since you are clearly showing you’re not affected or too bothered to deny or defend (what shouldn’t be defended).
7. Sarcasm. Sarcasm is powerful as well, because it could be used to make the other person look dumb if they don’t get it and it also can be used to invalidate their statements. 
8. Humor. Not all put down are meant to make you feel upset or angry. Sometimes friends put you down to tease you or test you and you should be able to use humor to make the conversation more entertaining. For example, if you could sarcasm or agreeing to disagreeing which are always fun. 
9. Replying out of context. You know those times when people just go on and on and you’re not really listening? Well, to show that, you could be like ‘so.. speaking of ice-cream..’. Something that is a different topic or not related really to what they’d said shows that you have not listened. Pretty much, the other person’s wasted their breath. 
10. Get the crowd involved. If you’re bold enough and think you’re capable, get the crowd involved such as speaking really loud so everyone can hear your point and notice what’s going on. This might intimidate the other person.

Jumat, 30 November 2012

12 Things Happy People Do Differently

Happy people value and choose:
 1. Love over Fear:
People, who are truly happy, are less fearful and more loving. They perceive every moment, every challenge, and every person as an opportunity to learn more about themselves and the world.
2. Acceptance over Resistance:  
Happy people know that you can’t really change things by denying and resisting them. So when bad things happen, they don’t fight, get angry and complain. Instead, they ask themselves questions like: What can I learn from this? How can I make this better?
3. Forgiveness over Unforgiveness: 
Truly happy individuals understand that it’s destructive to hold on to feelings of anger. Instead, they choose to forgive and let go, understanding that (in the end) forgiveness is a gift they give themselves.
4. Trust over Mistrust: 
They trust themselves … and they have learned to figure out the trustworthy people – and those they should avoid.
5. Meaning over Ambition: 
Happy people do the things they do because it adds meaning and purpose to their lives. They’re not driven by the need to gain acceptance, praise and approval from others. 
6. Challenges over Obstacles: 
Happy people see problems as challenges, and as opportunities to explore new ways of seeing and doing things. That is, challenges are something that help them to grow.
7. Selflessness over Selfishness:  
Happy people seek out ways ways to give to others - of themselves, their time, of their money, and their gifts. That is, they’re not self-focused and self-absorbed.
8. Kindness over Harshness: 
Happy people are gentle and kind with themselves and others. They know the importance and power of self-love, self-forgiveness and self-acceptance - and they freely love, forgive and accept other people, too.
9. Gratitude over Ingratitude: 
No matter where they are, or who they are with, happy people have the capacity to see beauty where others would only see ugliness – and they’re quick to express their gratitude, as well.
10. Being Present over Being Disengaged: 
Happy people know how to live in the moment, appreciating what they have and who they are with. They are not constantly being dragged down by the past, or distracted by what could happen (or go wrong) in the future.
11. Positivity over Negativity: 
Regardless of the circumstances of life, happy people are able to adopt and maintain a positive, and upbeat, attitude and perspective.
12. Taking Responsibility over Blaming: 
Happy people assume full ownership for their lives. They assume responsibility for their life, choices, decisions, actions, reactions, beliefs and attitudes.

“Wahai Muhammad, hiduplah sesukamu tapi kau pasti mati. Berbuatlah sekehendakmu tapi kau pasti dibalas. Dan cintailah siapapun yang kamu mau tapi engkau pasti berpisah dengannya.” —, (dialog Malaikat Jibril dengan Rasulullah SAW) (Ath-Thabrani)